AA Pharma Minocycline

AA Pharma Minocycline Adverse Reactions



AA Pharma


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Adverse Reactions
The following adverse reactions have been reported with the tetracycline analogues including minocycline: a. Central Nervous System: increased intracranial pressure, headaches, light-headedness, dizziness or vertigo and, rarely, fainting spells have been reported with a variable but overall incidence of approximately 7% in patients treated with minocycline. These symptoms usually disappear rapidly when the drug is discontinued.
b. Gastrointestinal System: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomatitis, glossitis, enterocolitis, pruritis ani, constipation, dysphagia and inflammatory lesions (with monilial overgrowth) in the anogenital region.
c. Teeth and bone: dental staining (yellow-gray-brown) has been reported in children of mothers given tetracyclines, including minocycline, during the latter half of pregnancy, and in children given the drug during the neonatal period, infancy and childhood to age of 13 years. Enamel hypoplasia has also been reported. Discolouration of bones and teeth has been documented to occur rarely in adolescents and adults upon extended treatment with minocycline. The effects may be irreversible. At present the mechanism of staining, although not completely elucidated, appears to be mediated by the formation of stable iron complex.
d. Renal: rise in BUN has been reported and is apparently dose-related. Increased excretion of nitrogen and sodium has also been reported.
e. Skin: maculopapular and erythematous rashes. Rarely reported - exfoliative dermatitis, onycholysis, discolouration of the nails, pigmentation of the skin and mucous membrane, erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
f. Hypersensitivity reactions: urticarial, angioneurotic edema, anaphylaxis, anaphylactoid purpura, pericarditis and exacerbation of systemic lupus erythematosus.
g. Agranulocytosis.
h. Other: elevated SGOT or SGPT values, hepatic cholestasis, hemolytic anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia and eosinophilia. When given over prolonged periods, minocycline, like other tetracyclines, has been reported to produce brown-black microscopic discolouration of the thyroid gland. Abnormalities of thyroid function have not been shown to date. If adverse reactions or idiosyncrasy occur, the administration of minocycline should be discontinued and appropriate alternate therapy instituted.
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